Statement by Zailda Chan, BC’s First Chinese Canadian Union President, about City of Vancouver’s Official Apology for Historical Discrimination against the Chinese community
(For Chinese language version, see below)
April 20, 2018 (Vancouver, BC) – “This is a historical moment for many Chinese Canadians and especially for family like me who are descendants of Head Tax payers and Canadian railway workers.
“It is important for Vancouverites to understand and acknowledge the history of Chinese segregation and racism in Vancouver. Fairness is essential and that’s what drives my service with the union.
“Many hospitality workers of UNITE HERE Local 40 are immigrants and many of them are from China. They work under challenging and precarious conditions like long hours, heavy workloads and risk of injury yet they earn only minimum pay with no job security. They have endured much hardship to build a life here, and their contribution to the success of Vancouver’s hospitality industry is often unrecognized.
“An apology would only be meaningful if there are actions to bring changes. I long to see changes in the working and living condition of workers in the City. I want to empower them to fight for equitable jobs and respect, not only in our workplaces but also in our communities.”
April 20, 2018 (卑詩省・溫哥華) – 「對於許多華裔加人及尤其像我的家人那樣,作為人頭稅和加拿大鐵路工人的後人,這是一個歷史性時候。
不少UNITE HERE 40 分會會員是移民,當中不少來自中國。他們經常在有挑戰性及危險的環境下長時間辛勞工作,卻只有最低時薪,也沒有就業保障。
For media availability, please contact: Michelle Travis, 778-960-9785