YVR: First Class Airport, Second Class Jobs
Workers behind the concession counters at Vancouver International Airport (YVR) help make this North America’s #1 airport. Workers take pride in welcoming the world to Vancouver while serving travelers a cup of coffee or a warm meal on the way to their destination.
While workers love working at YVR, too many of them are earning at, or slightly above, minimum wage, with few benefits. The work is precarious. Turnover is high and staffing is a challenge. Many workers at YVR work two, sometimes three, jobs to make ends meet. Worse, years of contract flipping has created a low-road for airport concession workers. When concession leases expire, workers stand to lose higher wages and benefits they earned during their years of service. Workers are told to reapply for work and to start over at minimum wage.
We believe YVR could become a truly sustainable community partner by adopting policies that have a positive impact on its contracted workforce. Major competing airports across the western seaboard, like SEA-TAC, SFO, LAX among others, are paying living wages to airport concession workers and have worker retention and labour peace policies that ensure a smooth transition when operators change.
We want YVR to adopt responsible contracting policies and become #1 when it comes to ensuring airport concession workers have sustainable, decent jobs.
If you agree, visit us on Facebook and “Like” our page! Or, if you are on Twitter, tweet a message to YVR: “Concession workers @yvrairport need first class jobs!”