Coast Bargaining Update
On September 6, the Coast committee and their co-workers delivered a petition calling for a fair contract to the Coast general managers. Over 85% of workers in Prince George, Kelowna, Nanaimo and Victoria signed the petition.
On September 10 and 11, the Union Bargaining Committee met with Coast management in Kelowna. Management made the following first economic proposal:
Wages: 2% increase over 3 years
Health Care: insufficient money to improve or maintain benefits
Pension: 9 cents over 3 years
Lowering hours for eligibility: NO
Sick Days: NO
Housekeeping Workload Reduction: NO
To keep moving forward, the Union gave Coast two comprehensive contract proposals, but Coast refused to make a second move at the bargaining table. The bargaining committee then demanded a full written economic and language proposal from Coast management. The next move is now up to Coast.
Negotiations are scheduled to resume October 3 and 4 in Nanaimo.